Building Predictable Revenue Streams

3.9+ Years
Avg Customer Retention30+
Clients Served89%+
Email Open Rate Improvement240%+
Site Conversion Rate Improvement50+
Products Launched4+
CRM Migrations & Configs Managed5+
Brand Redesigns Launched45+
Complete Website Redesigns
What is a
Fractional CMO?
Why hire a
Catalyst Fractional CMO?
Hiring a fractional CMO is a cost-effective way to gain access to high-level strategic marketing expertise on a part-time or project basis. Catalyst CMOs provide the experience and knowledge of a veteran marketing pro for half the cost.
We provide “been there, done that” insights for you and your business. We know what to do and what not to do and we’ll help you strategically accelerate your business.

How We Deliver
Quick Marketing Wins
One of the primary benefits of hiring a Fractional CMO vs a marketing consultant or agency is that an FCMO will take a holistic "bumper to bumper" view of your entire sales cycle - including what happens "after the click."
One of the primary ways we consistently deliver quick wins to our clients is by simply plugging the leaks in your existing sales cycle, allowing you to convert more of your existing leads, before investing more money into additional lead generation campaigns.
How the process works.
Getting the Lay of the Land
We'll start with a deep dive into your current marketing. Everything from your CRM, email lists, website, social media accounts, and other print and digital collateral, and we'll do the same for your competitors. We'll also evaluate your lead sources and how they move through your sales funnel.
Then we'll put that information into a playbook with actionable items to provide quick wins for your organization!
The playbook is just the beginning.
Once we know where things stand, we'll work with your executive team and in-house personnel (or agency) to establish KPIs, timelines, messaging, and tactics to effectively implement the items in the playbook.
Turnkey Marketing
If you don't have an in-house marketing team or agency, we can handle the complete implementation. It's like hiring an entire marketing department... at a fraction of the cost!
Each organization's marketing needs are unique and will change through the course of the playbook implementation, and Catalyst can bring on contractors for both short-term and longer-term projects.
What it Looks Like to
Work with a Catalyst CMO
A CMO leads all your marketing, and that's no less true for a fractional CMO just because they're not full-time. Here's a look at what we do for you:

Marketing Strategy, Budgets, and Timelines
Catalyst CMOs will work with your in-house team to define strategy, budgets, and timelines, as well as messaging and KPIs. This is part of the initial playbook development process, and is a necessary first step. We'll take charge of the marketing part of your executive team so that you've got a single point of contact for all things marketing.
Better Data Drives Growth
Your Catalyst CMO will optimize your tech stack, including your CRM, Email, website, social, and analytics suites. Data drives good decisions, but only if it's clean. We'll work with your team to automate and streamline your sales and marketing processes to make good data easy, and then use that data to drive better sales and marketing with better lead quality, lead nurturing, and close rates.

Work Ourselves Out of a Job
Your Catalyst CMO will hire and train internal staff, and contractors, and/or work with your outside agency to achieve the agreed-upon marketing goals.
Unlike an agency or even an in-house marketing manager, our goal as your fractional CMO is to work ourselves out of a job. We want to help you grow to the point where it makes more sense for us to pass the baton to an in-house team.
All Upside, No Risk
We don't do long-term contracts because we don't need to lock you in. Our clients stick with us because the value we provide makes it a no-brainer to keep going.
What our clients say
Frank handled pretty much every marketing area for us, including CRM implementation, website design, analytics, SEO, and Adwords. He has a deep understanding of how to create successful marketing strategies that drive results, and he has a proven track record of success.
Andy Vawter - President, MPS Acoustics
Frank is a seasoned marketing professional who connects the dots and gets things done! Most recently, Frank’s work with us embedded on the client side was invaluable in helping us exceed the client's expectations.
Matt Devlin - President, MG Marketing
Let's Get Started